This deliverable introduces the CrowdBot Challenge and presents its level of advancement before launching the first round. This document first presents the objective of the challenge, which is, in brief, to allow teams working in the field of crowd robot navigation to evaluate their navigation techniques and to compare their methods for moving robots in crowds with those of other teams. To do this, we propose a tool to evaluate these algorithms using different metrics on defined scenarios. Introduction explains the context, the path and the objectives of this challenge. Part 1 describes the scenarios and metrics defined for the Toward CrowdBot Challenge 2020. Part 2 explains the improvements planned for Toward CrowdBot Challenge 2021. Part 3 proposes the dissemination strategy envisaged for this challenge (partners involved, dissemination channels, etc.). Annex 1 is a copy of the wiki of our tool.The whole of this document, together with the download of our tool, should enable interested teams to take up this challenge and make it a reality.