
Deliverable 2.1: Sensor Specification

The main objective of the Crowdbot project is safe navigation of mobile robots in a dense human crowd environment. Both terms “safe” and “navigation” carry equal weight in achieving milestones and the overall success of the project. Sensors play a critical role for both safe operation and intelligent navigation of Crowdbot robots. This report provides


Publication (IEEE 2018): Reinforced Imitation: Sample Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning for Map-less Navigation by Leveraging Prior Demonstrations

Authors: Pfeiffer, Mark; Shukla, Samarth; Turchetta, Matteo; Cadena, Cesar; Krause, Andreas; Siegwart, Roland; Nieto, Juan


Publication: Iteratively Trained Interactive Segmentation

Authors: Mahadevan, Sabarinath; Voigtlaender, Paul; Leibe, Bastian


Deliverable 7.2: Dissemination Plan

The main objective of the CROWDBOT project is to demonstrate safe navigation of mobile robots in dense human crowd environments. There are both technical challenges and ethical concerns that must be addressed during the execution of this goal. While the team is devising new technical solutions and engaging with stakeholders on ethical concerns, it is


Deliverable 5.1: System Architecture

The main objective of the CROWDBOT project is safe navigation of mobile robots in dense crowds. Operating a robot safely in a social setting requires overcoming current technical limitations and acquiring human-like intelligence as well as addressing ethical and safety concerns of machines co-existing among human crowds. The scope of this report is limited to


Publication: Deep Person Detection in 2D Range Data

Authors: Beyer, Lucas; Hermans, Alexander; Linder, Timm; Arras, Kai O.; Leibe, Bastian


Deliverable 7.1: Project Website

For the project period spanning from 1 January 2018 to Jun 30 2021, the CROWDBOT team will manage and maintain two web sites, one for public access and another as internal document repository. The “public” website will be the main information portal and the basis for communicating over social networks. Developed by INRIA, both of


Kick off meeting at Paris – February 2018

That’s it, let’s go! The CrowdBot project is officially started.


Publication (ICRA 2018): A Data-driven Model for Interaction-aware Pedestrian Motion Prediction in Object Cluttered Environments

Authors: Pfeiffer, Mark; Paolo, Giuseppe; Sommer, Hannes; Nieto, Juan; Siegwart, Rol; Cadena, Cesar