
Deliverable 5.3: 2nd Updated and Extended Robot System

Work package 5 (WP5) is about developing a coherent theoretical and functional system architecture that can accommodate the targeted scenarios and facilitate the integration of the different work packages across all three robotic platforms. However, this process must be iterative and reviewable after each milestone so that the achievement of such objectives is guaranteed during


Deliverable 1.3: Specification of Scenarios Requirement Update

Deliverable D1.3 is an updated version of D1.1. To enable the reader to have a complete understanding of the document without need to refer to previous ones, some existing portions have been reported here, even though they did not experiment a major update. To clarify things, for each section, a similar orange text box provides


Second round for experiments in Virtual Reality at INRIA Rennes

Today, it’s the second round for common experimentation at @INRIA_Rennes between the H2020 @CrowdbotP project and the ANR Opmops project. 5 additional participants today to complete the data set.


Deliverable 1.4: 1st Round Test Evaluation Report

In this deliverable we present the results of the first-round evaluations of all our crowdbots (Pepper, the smart wheelchair, cuyBot and Qolo). The evaluations are both quantitative and qualitative. They range from testing the efficacy of core components that are developed within the project and underpin the Crowdbots (e.g. sensing, localisation, simulation, planning), to fully


Experiments in Virtual Reality at INRIA Rennes

Common experimentation at @INRIA_Rennes between the H2020 @CrowdbotP project and the ANR Opmops project. 20 participants planned over 4 days.


Demonstrations at Lausanne – January 2020

Demonstration of virtual reality simulation and the use of the new Qolo robot equipped with an obstacle avoidance system.


All-hands meeting at Lausanne – January 2020

CrowdBot All-hands meeting was hosted at EPFL Lausanne in January, 2020.


Open session at Lausanne – January 2020

During the CrowdBot project meeting, three speakers from EPFL presented their work for cross-exchanges with CrowdBot partners.


UCL: Smart weelchair experiment

This week (December 25-29, 2019), UCL is collecting crowd data from smart wheelchair as part of the CrowdBot project. For this purpose, they use a RGB camera, a lidar and ultrasonic sensors.


Open session at UCL London – November 2019

Julien Pettre (INRIA) presented his work during his visit to UCL. His presentation was entitled: Velocity-based algorithms for crowd simulation.